Consumer Debt is the money you owe as a result of purchases that you made for you or your family members. Consumer debt is sometimes called retail debt, and it is debt that is incurred by an individual in the course of their daily living.
Let’s start with consumer debt, this is something we are all too familiar with. In today’s video, I will give you a brief very general overview of the two types of debt. You may be wondering what is the difference between commercial and consumer debt. Here at Greenbaum Law Group, we only take cases that involve commercial debt and do not take cases that involve consumer debt. Greenbaum Law Group is a commercial collection and judgment enforcement firm. Hi, my name is Parris Trimble and I’m an attorney here at Greenbaum Law Group.
In this YouTube video, Parris Trimble breaks down the differences between Consumer Debt and Commercial Debt and gives us specific examples of each.